Get to know the gallery of our works

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In our gallery of photographs, we want to express the quality of work that we carry out. We hope to give you ideas for your next project. In some photographs you can see new work, old work and repairs in private and commercial buildings. You can also appreciate block work from a small wall to a multi-story elevator. We also wanted to present some of our natural and artificial stone works. We included some thin brick work, where we coat walls with brick imitation or brick faces. The artificial stone is thinner and lighter, but give the appearance of the real brick. The thin brick can be used outdoors like on a fireplaces or interior walls. Providing the beauty and advantages of natural brick. Finally, we want to mention that we also carry out tuck pointing work to restore old brick walls where the old mortar that joined the bricks deteriorated. We take out the old mortar and introduced new mortar. Renewing and strengthening the bricks again and giving much more years of life to older buildings. Many of the works in our photographs are not finished, others are, with the intention that we appreciate the different materials and processes step by step that we perform of masonry.

All types of stone work

Thin brick

Tuck pointing